The Philosophy

COMOLOM is THE secular humanist bible. If you are ultra-religious, you'd be wise to hightail it from this site right this second. If you're curious, come on in and see if any of this foolishness fits your fancy.

The Book

Read the book. There are plenty of cartoons, so it will not be a stressful experience. You know this was meant to happen.

COMOLOM Confidential

The Sardonic Sage investigates the irony of being. Look, we're talking about important stuff here.

COMOLOM Confidential features Middle Month Metaphor Monday. Feel free to stop by every full moon.

Since 1993

Church of the More-Or-Less-Obvious-Metaphor

Are you an agnostic or an atheist, or do you spend your Sundays in church staring at the ceiling? Then COMOLOM is just your ticket. We require nothing of you but an open mind. Just read the book.

Dark and Light